Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 7 (5/10/13)- Viña Indomita

Today we went to Viña Indómita! After a pretty long bus ride, we arrived at their winery which was enormous! We had one of the best views there from our whole trip.
Our guide explained to us the process for creating their wine and explained that in Chile, they can only have on harvest a year.

He took us to the cellar where they had endless lines of barreled wine and he explained that the conditions to create the perfect wine are very important including the temperature and amount of lighting. The barrels sat on rocks so if they needed to increase humidity they could just put some water on them and could better control the humidity. They use engineers to find which conditions are needed to create the wine and improve the process to bottle and age the wine so they can export more bottles at lower costs. Next we got to have a wine tasting while overlooking the entire vineyard! We were explained the that each type of wine had a different aging process and different types of grapes to achieve the different tastes including one type of wine which was explained to us as having a “chocolate and leathery” taste. After we finished at the vineyard, we got to go to Pablo Neruda’s house, we very famous Chilean poet.

We were served a great meal consisting of our choice of fish in soup or beef. It was one of the best meals we have had here so far!
After eating, we took a tour through the museum which used to be Pablo Neruda’s house which overlooked the ocean with an incredible view! We got to go climb around the rocks on the beach and just enjoy the scenery. Once we finished up here, we headed off to a very long dance class where we got to learn regatton which is the more modern dance that many Chileans dance to. This was one of the most fun experiences on the trip and we all had a blast.

Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel after a very very long day!

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